Strvggle is committed to providing our customers with a high level of privacy in relation to the personal information that is collected and provides the following privacy statement.

When you visit the Strvggle website personal information and non-personal data will be collected depending on the nature of your visit.

Personal Information 

The personal information we collect from you is respected and handled with the utmost care. It includes any information that can be used to personally identify you and what is reasonably necessary for our business functions. We collect your personal information for the primary purpose of being able to sell and promote our products to you. Your personal information will not be shared, sold, rented or disclosed without firstly gaining your consent, or where it is required by law or is required to satisfy our Terms and Conditions.

Personal information collected and stored may include your name, company details, address, telephone number, e-mail address, signature, proof of identity, account password and credit card details. 

Strvggle provides the user access to its website. A user’s account containing personal information can only be accessed by use of a user name and password. This user name and password information verifies the identity of the user before Men’s Republic will grant a user access to an account. You are responsible for the safekeeping of your user name and password.

On written request, Strvggle can provide you with the personal information we hold about you.  Access is limited to our record of your address, contact details, accounts with Strvggle and balances and statements relating to those accounts. If you would like us to update or amend your personal information, please contact us and we will make the requested amendments. We may ask you to verify your identity to ensure that personal information we hold is not improperly accessed.

Non-Personal Data 

When the Strvggle website is accessed, its internet service provider (ISP) makes a record of the following non-personal data for statistical purposes:

  • The time, date, length and frequency of your visits.
  • Your ISP, top level domain name, IP address, referrer, operating system, device and browser details.
  • Pages accessed and documents downloaded.

Cookies may be used on the Strvggle website. You can switch off cookies by adjusting the settings on your web browser.

SSL Encryption of Financial Information

Credit card information you provide to Strvggle on our website is fully secure. We don’t store any sensitive credit card information on our website. Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encrypted protection is used for all credit card and this information is sent directly to our payment gateway.

What Is Covered By This Privacy Statement

This Privacy Statement applies to the Strvggle website and also covers information collected by Strvggle by any other means. We may hold your personal information in either electronic or hard copy form.

You should note that any external third party links on the Strvggle website will have a different privacy policy to us. Strvggle does not endorse the content of third party websites or make any representation about third party websites in any way.